miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

NUEVA DIRECCIÓN: www.futboldesdemallorca.com

Os esperamos en nuestra nueva página web:


7 comentarios:

  1. me extraña que nadie haya comentado este post

  2. Tomeu Maura, you are a corrupt journalist, as this article shows how incompetent and subjective your journalism is. Whether it is because is ugly, bald or corrupt, or all of these forms that you let yourself be dictated by Serra Ferrer, is easy to judge from your attacked on Laudrup.

    Corruption is not a part of Danish upbringing, but visibly what you brought with you. How is it possible to "El Mundo" has hired you??

  3. Tomeu Maura, you are a corrupt journalist, as this article shows how incompetent and subjective your journalism is. Whether it is because is ugly, bald or corrupt, or all of these forms that you let yourself be dictated by Serra Ferrer, is easy to judge from your attacked on Laudrup.

    Corruption is not a part of Danish upbringing, but visibly what you brought with you. How is it possible to "El Mundo" has hired you??

  4. Nicks, a fregaaaaaar.

    Tomeu, arregla la pagina ya!

  5. Hola, soy de Argentina, colecciono camisetas de futbol, pero solo lo hago con ROJINEGRAS A FRANJAS VERTICALES, si te interesa este tema por favor escribe a mi correo:


    Seria un placer para mi recibir vuestra respuesta.-



